How Much Caffeine In A Cup Of Coffee Is Good

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Poulami Ganguly

How much caffeine in a cup of coffee

Curious to know if your daily caffeine intake is crossing the recommended limits? The caffeine content in a cup varies due to multiple factors. Read this post till the very end to know how much caffeine in a cup of coffee is good for your health along with solutions to lower it!

Did you know there’s a drug whose craze shows not a single sign of slowing? Many call it the stimulant for the central nervous system, and it was an ingredient found in more than 130 million bags that were exported across the globe in 2012. Can you guess what we’re talking about? Well, let’s solve this riddle for you! Those bags were filled with coffee, and the drug was, inevitably, caffeine, the planet’s most popular psychoactive drug. 

However, despite its favoritism, it’s not a wise idea to consume caffeine more than the daily recommended dosage, i.e., up to 400 mg. But how to know that you are not consuming more than 400 mg of caffeine a day just from your routine cuppa joes (heck, don’t forget about those energy drinks, tea, and soft beverages – they too contain caffeine)? 

To make sure that you are not crossing the limits, we have curated this exclusive guide. It reveals how much caffeine is present in a cup of coffee. When you know it, you can balance your caffeine consumption and keep on enjoying its amazing euphoria and energizing effects.

Factors that affect Caffeine Content

Before we jump straight into the answer, here are a few fundamental facts that will clear up your conceptual understanding. The caffeine content of coffee significantly depends on a number of factors. Here they are! 

Type of coffee

How much caffeine your cup will hold greatly depends on your brewing method. The following chart shows the caffeine content of different types of coffee-infused beverages. 

Type of coffeeCaffeine per liquid ounce
Espresso63.6 mg
Latte31 mg
Mocha12.67 mg 
Cappuccino12.83 mg
Macchiato9.38 mg
Regular drip coffee9.6 mg
French Press / Pour over10.12 mg
Cuban12.5 mg
Aeropress18.6 mg

Type of beans

There are different varieties of coffee beans available in the market, and their natural caffeine content may vary. 

Type of coffee beansCaffeine per liquid ounce
Arabica1.61-4.0 g per 100 grams
Robusta6.2-8.1 g per 100 grams
Liberica1.2 g per 100 grams 
Excelsa0.86-1.13 g per 100 grams

Serving size  

The serving size can significantly affect the caffeine content. The standard 1 cup size refers to something from 30-700 ml (1-24 ounces). The caffeine content may vary from 6 mg to 95 mg or more, depending on the type of brew. 


Lighter roasts tend to have more caffeine than darker ones. However, darker roasts are better in terms of the flavor profile. 

How much Caffeine in a cup of Coffee is there?

Though the other factors contribute to some extent, the primary determinant of your cup’s caffeine content is the type of brew. Here’s a brief analysis of the caffeine content in a cup of joe depending on the brewing type. 

Caffeine in Regular brewed coffee

Regular coffee is prepared by pouring boiling or hot water over coffee grounds. This method is more popular as a pour-over. A cup of regularly brewed coffee (8 ounces) holds around 70-140 mg of caffeine. 

Instant coffee Caffeine

Manufacturers prepare instant coffee by freeze drying or spray drying brewed coffee. Typically, they feature dry and large pieces that dissolve when your pour hot water. A cup of instant coffee ( 8 ounces) typically contains 13-19 mg of caffeine. 

Espresso-infused coffee variants 

By blending espresso shots with milk and other delicious ingredients like cream and chocolate, different drinks are prepared. The list include macchiatos, cappuccinos, lattes, americanos, and more. Since milk doesn’t add up to its caffeine content, an 8-12 ounce cup of espresso-infused drink may contain 63-123 mg of caffeine. 

Decaf version

Let’s face it! Even decaf coffee is not 100% decaffeinated, and an 8-ounce cup of decaf coffee may contain 1-7 mg of caffeine.

The Caffeine Content in coffee from Commercial Brands

Though it may sound surprising, some commercial coffee brands produce coffee that is higher in caffeine compared to home-brewed coffee. Besides, coffee houses typically serve coffee in larger cup sizes which can go up to 24-ounce (700ml), making the caffeine content equivalent to that of 4-5 regular-sized cuppa joe. Let’s check out how much caffeine is there in Starbucks, McDonald’s, and Dunkin Donuts coffee. 


Starbucks, of course, doesn’t need an introduction! Even if you are an occasional drinker, you must have visited Starbuck once in your life. Here’s how the brand caffeinated its drinks.

  • Shot (8oz.) 180 mg 
  • Tall (12oz.) 260 mg
  • Grande (16oz.) 330 mg 
  • Venti (20oz.) 415 mg

A shot of Starbucks’ espresso holds 75 mg of caffeine, and all small espresso-infused drinks from Starbucks have the same caffeine content. The larger sizes with 2 or 3 shots of espresso contain 150-225 mg of caffeine. Starbucks’ decaf coffee has 15-30mg of caffeine. The Starbucks Doubleshot espresso energy drink’s caffeine content varies from 110-135mg, which are very famous beverages by the brand.

Dunkin Donuts

Another famous coffee chain, Dunkin Donuts, caffeine content according to their cup sizes looks like the following. 

  • Small (10oz.) 215 mg
  • Medium (16oz.) 302 mg
  • Large (20oz). 431 mg
  • Extra large (24oz.) 517 mg

A single shot of espresso from Dunkin Donuts carries 75 mg of caffeine, and so do the espresso-infused drinks. The decaf version comes with 53 mg (for 10 ounces) and 128 mg (for 24 ounces). 


McCafe is a brand that people love. However, they never standardize the caffeine content in their coffee. However, here’s a rough estimation.

  • Small (12oz.) 109 mg
  • Medium (16oz.) 145 mg
  • Large (21-24oz.) 180 mg

A single shot of espresso from McDonald’s comes with 71 mg of caffeine, and the decaf version holds 8-14 mg, depending on the cup size. 

When to cut the Coffee Intake?

While caffeine has its perks, it can pose problems as well. So, it’s worth knowing how much is too much and when to curb its consumption. Apart from the standardized 400 mg per day threshold, there are a few more things to check:

Do you drink more than 4-cups Coffee Daily? 

You will probably need to cut down your caffeine intake when you are sipping more than 4 cups of caffeinated coffee every day and you are experiencing side effects like – nervousness, irritability, headache, muscle tremors, insomnia, headache, and issues with urination.

Do you take supplemental medicine?

There are a few herbs and medicines that adversely interact with caffeine. Some examples are-

  • Echinacea: This herbal supplement helps prevent infections and colds. If you are taking it, you should prevent yourself from caffeine consumption because the supplement may increase the concentration of caffeine in your blood, leading to unpleasant side effects. 
  • Ephedrine: When you blend this medicine with caffeine, it may lead to high blood pressure, heart attack, seizures, and even stroke. The medicine is dedicated to treating congestion. 
  • Theophylline: This medicine helps open bronchial airways and already brings in some caffeine-like after effects. If you consume caffeine along with this medicine, it may cause palpitations, nausea, etc. In this case, you should cut down caffeine intake positively.

Does a little make you feel clumsy?

Caffeine sensitivity varies from one person to another. If a small amount makes you restless, anxious, or insomniac, you need to understand that you are more caffeine sensitive.  

If you are pretty much dependent on caffeine, cutting it down may look quite tedious. However, there are practical ways to limit caffeine consumption. You can go decaf (this won’t stop you from sipping your cuppa joe!), cut down the brew time, and cut back gradually.

What is the Best Time for Caffeine Intake?

Though you may feel that anytime is the best for inhaling that cup of joe, some signs back the idea of grabbing your cup at dedicated times, so it’s worth knowing the best time to drink coffee or any other caffeinated beverage. Here’s how you can pick the right time to get caffeine shots. 

  • Mid to late morning, caffeine consumption works as a mind-blowing performance booster. So, to enjoy caffeine’s energizing effects to the fullest, grab a drink between 8.30 am to 10.30 am. For an afternoon pickup, ensure you have at least six hours to burn off the caffeine – we assure you that you won’t love to spend sleepless nights after tiresome days. 
  • Consuming caffeine 30-60 minutes prior to workouts may keep you paced up. 

If you are a get-up and shuffle-to-the-coffeepot kind of caffeine lover, you’re probably hurrying for your coffee boost and cortisol, a stress hormone, is the villain. Studies have found that cortisol is responsible for regulating metabolism, blood pressure, and immune system response. Besides, it aims to keep you focused and alert. 

The cortisol level in your body naturally increases every morning, and it remains at its peak for around 30 minutes after waking up. If you regularly grab your cup even before leaving the bed, the caffeine may increase the cortisol level even more. This highly elevated cortisol may create room for an impaired immune system. So, though it may sound a little hectic, it’s better to trick your morning coffee routine and delay your morning cup just by an hour. 

For example, if you wake up at 6 AM, go to drink coffee around 7-7.30 AM.  

*Note: You may have heard of coffee naps, but they are not for everyone. So, try to avoid drinking coffee or caffeinated beverages before bed. This will help you sleep better  –  after all, caffeine is always a soul awakening! 


Hope you have got your answer now! Enjoy your drink without worrying much, as caffeine is not a killer until you are overdosing. Having 3-4 cups of coffee a day may enrich your body with essential antioxidants, boost heart health, aid digestion, and keep you up throughout the day. So, be sensible and enjoy coffee mania at its fullest.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 100 mg of caffeine much?

For adult individuals, 100 mg of caffeine is absolutely fine. The maximum dose recommendation is 400 milligrams a day.

Is 3 coffees a day too much?

According to dietary guidelines, it’s entirely safe to drink 3-5 cups of coffee a day. However, the maximum caffeine intake should be 400 milligrams. 

What if I consume more than 400 mg of caffeine a day?

Well, nobody can force you to choose your alternative. However, it’s worth knowing that if you show the paradoxical courage of consuming more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, you may easily develop brain diseases like dementia and stroke. 

Does caffeine boost memory?

According to several pieces of study, moderate and sensible caffeine consumption effectively boosts memory. 

How long does caffeine stay in your body?

Caffeine blends in your blood in 10-15 minutes, reaching its peak within an hour. The effect may last for as long as 10-12 hours. Typically after 12-15 hours, your body completely clears caffeine from your bloodstream. 


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